Author: Rania Naim
I’m Giving All My Problems To God
I’m handing God everything I can’t handle. I’m giving God everything I don’t understand.
Don’t Talk To People About Your Problems, Talk To God
I realized that people only like you when you’re happy and light not when you’re sad and heavy. I realized that people only want you when you’re fun and loud…
God Knows What’s In Your Heart Even If You Don’t Say It Out Loud
Maybe it’s not so much about what we tell God but more about what he’s trying to tell us. Maybe we’re too busy talking and telling him what we need…
I’m Slowly Learning How To Believe That The Best Is Yet To Come
I’m slowly learning to let the past go and focus on the present to build a better future. I’m slowly learning to let all the pain go so I can…
Dear God, Thank You For All The Closed Doors
Thank you for all the roadblocks. Thank you for steering my life in another direction. Thank you for allowing me to realize that there’s more than one way to take.…
The Happiest People Are Those Who Realized That God Is Enough
I envy these people. I want their faith. I want their strength. I want their solid feet when their world is falling apart. I want their forgiveness when their heart…
Maybe God Is Making You Wait Because He Wants You To Learn That There’s No Timeline For Anything In Life
Or maybe he’s making you wait because the more you wait, the more you’ll appreciate what you’re going to get. The longer you wait, the longer you’ll keep what he’s…