God, I want to stop for a while.
I want to put my pen down and raise my hands in worship. I want to stop thinking that I can write a single word on my own. That I can express a message without Your wisdom. That I can create and breathe without Your mercy.
Maybe I could live this life pretending I don’t need a savior but it would be pointless, like wandering meaninglessly in a never-ending black hole, for I am undoubtedly nothing apart from Your love and salvation.
All that I have, I have because of You. All the good that I am is shaped by Your very hands.
God, you know how I get so discouraged sometimes because, for the longest time, I’ve been pinning my fulfillment on the things that will only leave me empty. I struggle with my unworthiness, selfishness, and pride because I’ve been more focused on the world than Your Word.
I want to abandon the part of me that craves for the applause of this world. I want to turn down my self-belief so I can turn up Your faithfulness.
I want to forget my worries and remember Your power. I want to put Your kingdom first, before myself and my personal desires. I want to embrace this joy that I found in You. I want to stay by your side, Dear God.
I want to build my confidence in You and You alone. I want to chase the things that will last. I want to do the things that will bring honor to You, not because I am righteous but because You are. I am not in the least qualified but my sufficiency is from You, God.
Despite my unholiness, despite my sins and imperfections, You still look at me with Love. You look at me from the Cross with a Love that can’t compare. I lift all my eternal praises to You.
I want to pick up my pen again and let Your hands carve my words. I want to praise You and mean it with all my heart. I want to scribble words that are genuinely from my soul, not shallow poems nor empty sentences. I want to proclaim Your name on every canvas. I want to write about Your love and redemption in big, bold letters. Because there’s nothing worth sharing more than something that great.
I want to be Your daughter eternally, God. It is more than I could ever ask.
More than I deserve. And more than any label the world could put on me. I want my life to be a book of Your goodness, Your grace, and forgiveness. I want to love You with all my soul and all my strength.
I want to live for Your glory, Dear God. I want to live for YOU, and not for the world. Because I am nothing, absolutely nothing apart from You.