Dear God, I’m Ready For My Miracle

Dear God, I’m ready for my miracle.

I’m ready to pass the test. I’m ready for the final result. I’m ready to close the chapter of pain and loss. I’m ready to heal from my past heartbreak. I’m ready to close that door forever. I’m ready to put an end to the stormy days and the lonely nights. I’m ready for you to reveal to me the reasons behind my struggles. I’m ready for the blessings that you’ve kept me waiting for. I’m ready for the blessings that follow every hardship.

I’m ready to accept your blessings. I now feel like I deserve them. I now have faith in you and your plans. I will be able to cherish the blessings you bring me. I will be able to appreciate the little things and be grateful for them because I know how hard it was to get them. I know how hard it was without them. I’ve learned not to take your blessings for granted.

I’m ready for your miracle because I think I learned my lessons. I think I’m becoming the person you wanted me to become. I think I’m closer to you more than ever now. I know you’re my healer. I only run to you when I’m confused. I only talk to you when I’m sad. I’m ready for your miracle because I know you heard me and my prayers. I know you want to see me happy and I know you want what’s best for me and I’m ready for it. I’m the best version of myself these days and I am prepared to receive your best gifts.

I know this is my year. I know this is my time. I know this is the part of my story where everything changes for the better. I know this is the part of my story that takes me to a whole new universe.

Because you and I both know how hard the journey has been, how hard the past few years have been and how tired I am. We both know that I tried it all, fell down and got back up. We both know that things haven’t been easy or smooth. We both know that I almost gave up on myself and my life and we both know that I’ve used up all my energy and my strength to fight back and rise again. We both know that I only have very little left in me to fight or try again. We both know that anything more than that will be more than I can handle so this is where I leave it all up to you.

This is where I surrender to your power. This is where I sit back as you fight my battles. This is where I raise my hands and tell you that I’ve done my part and I can’t do this on my own anymore.

And I think, I believe, this is where you tell me that I’ve seen enough and dealt with enough and passed all your difficult tests so here’s my reward. Here’s my miracle. Here’s the blessings that will take all the pain away. Here’s the magic that happens when you have faith in me and allow me to finish your story. It’s always better than the one you had in mind. I’m full of beautiful surprises and I’m ready to unfold them to you one by one.

About The Author

Rania Naim is an established writer and author with a global footprint. She is the author of two books All The Letters I Should Have Sent and All The Words I Should Have Said, both published by Thought Catalog Books.